Advisor reflections: What does it mean to “get there?”

Image: Advisor reflections: What does it mean to “get there?”

“Get there” is a common phrase, but have you ever considered where “there” is for you, professionally and personally?

We asked Elite advisors and Ascensus leaders to share where “there” is for them. The responses were exciting, relatable, and inspiring. From helping people and giving back, to being with family and having time to appreciate life’s experiences, listen for the journeys and especially the destinations.

We also asked advisors attending the NAPA 401(k) Summit to share their “get there” destinations with us for the chance to win some great outdoor prizes. Many had similar thoughts:

  • More than 15 percent of advisors pictured themselves by the water, at the beach, or on a lake.
  • Nearly 14 percent indicated they would simply enjoy retirement—with more time for activities like skiing, golfing, being at home, and having the flexibility to do whatever they wanted.
  • Approximately 13 percent aimed to travel to places like Alaska, Hawaii, Italy, the Alps, and even Fiji.

Wherever you and your clients want to be, Ascensus has the depth and breath of solutions and services to help you get there. Check out ways clients can boost retirement plan performance and health with optimization from Ascensus.