- Industry & Regulatory News
- Legislative updates
Legislative updates
Industry & Regulatory News
Agencies Extend Comment Deadline on Reporting and Disclosure RFI Under SECURE 2.0
The Department of Treasury, the Department of Labor, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation have extended the deadline for comments related to a Request for Information (RFI) released in January pursuant to Section 319 of SECURE 2.0.
Industry & Regulatory News
Mid-Year Termination of SIMPLE IRA
An employer that maintains a SIMPLE IRA plan is generally not permitted to maintain another retirement plan in which employees may accrue benefits—a principle known as the exclusive plan rule.
Industry & Regulatory News
Contributions Limits Increased for SIMPLE Plans
Employers that sponsor a SIMPLE plan may allow increased salary deferral limits for their employees, starting in tax year 2024.
Industry & Regulatory News
SECURE 2.0 Permits De Minimis Financial Incentives
For plan years beginning after December 29, 2022, employers that sponsor 401(k) or 403(b) plans may offer employees a “de minimis” financial incentive, such as a gift card, as long as the cost of the incentive is paid by the employer and not paid from plan assets.
Industry & Regulatory News
SECURE 2.0 Expands Roth Options for SEP and SIMPLE Plans
Before SECURE 2.0’s enactment, SEP and SIMPLE IRA plan contributions had to be made as pre-tax contributions, but now employers may allow employees to elect to have contributions into a SEP or SIMPLE IRA made as Roth contributions.
Industry & Regulatory News
SECURE 2.0 Expands Roth Options for Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
The SECURE 2.0 Act contains provisions that allow individuals to place more of their assets into Roth accounts.
Industry & Regulatory News
SECURE 2.0 Requires New Plans to Contain Automatic Enrollment Feature
Credible studies have concluded that employers who automatically enroll plan participants into a retirement plan help place them on a lifetime path to meaningful savings.
Industry & Regulatory News
Credit for FSA Plans Proposed in House
Representative Adrian Smith (R-NE) has introduced H.R. 7407, the Small Business Dependent Care FSA Opportunity Act.
Industry & Regulatory News
Child Savings Account Proposal Introduced
Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and several co-sponsors have introduced S. 3716, the 401Kids Savings Account Act.
Industry & Regulatory News
Proposal Would Expand Medical Expense Coverage for Caregivers
Representatives Vern Buchanan (R-FL) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) have introduced H.R. 7222, the Lowering Costs for Caregivers Act.