Legislative updates

Industry & Regulatory News

DOL Posts FAQs on PLESAs Under SECURE 2.0

The Department of Labor (DOL) has announced the release of a set of frequently asked questions intended to provide general compliance information under ERISA regarding pension-linked emergency savings account (PLESA) arrangements that are allowed under SECURE 2.0.

January 18 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

IRS Finalizes Rule to Update Minimum Present Value Requirements for DB Plan Distributions

The IRS has issued a final rule to update minimum present value requirements for defined benefit plan distributions.

January 18 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

OMB Completes Review of DOL Automatic Portability Exemption Proposal

A Department of Labor (DOL) proposed rule titled Exemption for Certain Automatic Portability Transactions has been removed from the Office of Management and Budget’s list for review, signaling that it may be released soon.

January 17 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

Legislation Proposed to Expand 529 Use

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has introduced S. 3520, the Achieving Choice in Education Act or the ‘‘ACE Act’’.

January 16 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

IRS Issues Limited Guidance for PLESAs Under SECURE 2.0

The IRS has released Notice 2024-22, providing guidance on anti-abuse rules under Section 127 of the SECURE 2.0 Act with respect to Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Accounts (PLESAs).

January 12 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

PBGC Announces 2024 Inflation Adjustments for Civil Penalties

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has published in the Federal Register inflation-adjusted penalty amounts for failure to provide certain notices or other material information and for failure to provide certain multiemployer notices.

January 11 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

DOL Issues Final Rule to Clarify Employee or Independent Contractor Status

The Department of Labor (DOL) Wage and Hour Division has issued a news release and final rule to clarify whether a worker qualifies as an employee or an independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

January 09 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

Legislation Proposed to Simplify and Expand Use of HSAs

Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI) has introduced HR 6857, the Simplify and Expand Health Savings Accounts Act. 

January 09 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

Roth IRA Rollover Proposal Introduced in House

Representatives Darin LaHood (R-IL), and Linda Sanchez (D-CA) have introduced H.R. 6757 to permit rollover contributions from Roth IRAs to designated Roth accounts in a 401(a), 403(a), 403(b) or 457(b) arrangement.

January 03 2024

Industry & Regulatory News

Improved Coverage for Long-Term, Part-Time Employees

The SECURE 2.0 Act has shortened the time necessary to allow part-time workers access to 401(k) plans. 

December 13 2023